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Jasmina & Scott Jewell inside at the national gallery

Ozadje Change Artistry

Podjetje Change Artistry vodita Jasmina in Scott Jewell, zakonca z močno željo pomagati ljudem in živalim. Oba sta akreditirana mentorja in reiki mojstra, ki sta se v življenju spopadala z različnimi izzivi. Njuna želja je, da bi svoje znanje in sporočilo Ustvarite svojo spremembo delila s svetom s pomočjo mentoriranja, reiki zdravljenja in poučevanja. Poleg tega sta prepotovala velik del sveta, tako službeno kot tudi zaradi užitka, s čimer sta si nabrala številne neprecenljive življenjske izkušnje. Slednje so jima v veliko pomoč, ko vas vodita po poti do vaše preobrazbe.

“Verjameva v vas in spodbujava vašo sijajnost!”



Preden boste začeli svojo pot preobrazbe, vas pri Change Artistry spodbujava, da razvijete samosprejemanje. Ko boste sprejeli sebe in svojo situacijo, bodo spremembe postale enostavnejše.

Holističen pristop

Change Artistry uporablja celosten pristop, ki se osredotoča na vaše mentalno, čustveno, fizično in duhovno stanje. Verjameva v njihovo medsebojno povezanost. Če se želite resnično spremeniti, se mora to zgoditi na vseh ravneh.

Zavedanje in odgovornost

Change Artistry verjame, da je temelj vaše spremembe razvoj zavesti. S pomočjo zavedanja boste spoznali svoje vzorce, vrednote, prepričanja in vse, kar vam preprečuje, da bi zaživeli svoj poln potencial. Poleg tega se boste naučili prevzeti odgovornost za svoje življenje in se tako še hitreje spreminjali z opolnomočenjem skozi celostno delovanje.

Prijaznost, skrb in spoštovanje

Change Artistry nameni vsakomur prijazno besedo, skrb in spoštovanje. V najinih očeh ste vsi enakovredni in tu ni prostora za obsojanje.

Nenehne spremembe in rast

Change Artistry si prizadeva za vašo neprekinjeno preobrazbo in razvoj. Prepričana sva, da so spremembe neizogibne, in ko jih boste sprejeli brez upiranja, bo vaš razvoj neomejen.

Change Artistry!

Change Artistry Voucher

Ali ste pripravljeni narediti korak naprej?

Nič nenavadnega ni, da si želimo spremembe, pa nismo prepričani, kje začeti. Začetek je namreč lahko precej zastrašujoč in prav zato se pogosto ne odločimo za preobrazbo. Verjameva, da je v začetni fazi pomembno najti pravo podporo, nekoga, ki vas bo vodil in vas spodbujal na poti ustvarjanja novega življenja. Najbolje je imeti ob sebi osebo, ob kateri se počutite varno in vas spoštuje ter obratno. Če si zares želite spremeniti svoje življenje in tega nočete narediti sami, ne oklevajte in naju kontaktirajte. Naročite se na brezplačen 30-minutni pogovor. Navsezadnje nimate česa izgubiti, lahko pa ogromno pridobite!

Mnenja strank

"Having the opportunity to work with Scott and Jasmina was absolutely incredible. To be able to work through your own limitations and transform into who you want to become is incredibly easy when working with Change Artistry. Through their ability to intuitively guide you with compassion, understanding and brilliance, I would highly recommend Jasmina and Scott if you are looking to becoming a better you!"
Eric McAlister
"I’ve been seeing Change Artistry weekly for a few months now, and the improvements I’ve seen in my mindset, relationships and general drive are nothing short of life changing. Scott and Jasmina are so caring and easy to open up to, yet at the same time they cut through the noise of what I’m going through to get to the core issue, no nonsense. They equip you with techniques and perspectives to immediately transform your issue into something you can work with and grow from. If you’re looking for personal development, I cannot recommend them enough."
Dominic Pelecanos
"I feel incredibly grateful to have met Jasmina and Scott, who have helped me immensely in our sessions together. From family issues, to burnout at work, relationships, and building self-esteem, there is nothing that they haven’t been able to help me with. Using their knowledge, wisdom and expertise, Jasmina and Scott have been able to cut through the surface of issues to uncover the underlying root causes, along with then providing care, support, and helpful tools and strategies to overcome them. Jasmina and Scott are extremely kind, supportive and non-judgmental in their approach and are fully invested in helping every client to get the most of out of each session. Jasmina and Scott are also able to provide their own unique perspective on issues/challenges discussed, leading to a more holistic understanding of issues and more wholesome support and high-quality assistance. Thanks to them, I have gained clarity and confidence in many areas of my life. I feel more able to lead my life the way that I want and I am now armed with useful tools and strategies to help me better overcome any barriers and challenges I may face in the future. I cannot recommend Jasmina and Scott enough to anyone seeking support, guidance or strategies to help them with any and all areas of life."
Priyanka Gupta
"In my Reiki session with Scott and Jasmina I felt a lot of calm soothing energy come over all my body. I felt my heart opening and a lot of hurt being filled with love, forgiveness and acceptance. I got a lot of awareness around my pain through the session and felt very supported and loved and cared for throughout it. It really helped me to feel more whole within and to have more peace within me as I was going through an emotionally tough time. To feel this inner support and love for myself helped me to feel less anxious and more confident I could handle my emotions and the feelings I was experiencing."
Samantha J Brunskill
"As I sit on my verandah I reflect on the conversations I’ve had with Jasmina and Scott. Honestly, going into my first session I had no idea what it was all about. But within minutes we were hitting the big stuff, easily and comfortably. Talking about my day-to-day life and decisions it is easy to get caught up in my head and my own ideals but to see it all from someone else's perspective and to get feedback that is constructive and sound has bought another layer to my everyday thought patterns. I have put nearly everything into practice and I’m loving the changes."
Kari Lyn Jenner
"I recommend Jasmina and Scott for their highly intuitive and very relaxing Reiki. It was an amazing experience with them both doing Reiki at the same time. I had a very deep and peaceful sleep afterwards and felt my body let go of all the tension I was holding. Do yourself a huge favor and book a session with these wonderful humans!"
Cayla Pothan
"Nadvse sem hvaležna, da sem imela priložnost izkusiti razliko, ki sta jo Jasmina in Scott ustvarila z Reikijem. Oba sta odprta, dosegljiva, nadarjena, intuitivna ter imata veliko znanja. V njuni družbi sem se počutila zelo varno in še posebej všeč mi je bilo, da sta bila skrbna. Ko sem obležala zaradi Covida, je bilo težko najti pomoč, ker živim sama v tujini. Ponudila sta mi Reiki na daljavo in moram reči, da sem se po koncu počutila veliko bolje. Zjutraj sem bila skoraj kot nova in vse skupaj sem prebrodila z lahkoto. Bila sem mirna in čutila sem, da je telo prepojeno z novo, pozitivno energijo. Razlika med pred in po zdravljenju je bila kot dan in noč in občudovanja vredno je to, da sta se oba še posebej potrudila zame glede na stanje, v katerem sem bila. Vsekakor ju priporočam vsem, ki imate kakršnekoli zdravstvene težave oziroma če zgolj želite izboljšati svoje počutje. Hvala."
Urša Potočnik
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